Transcend the Boundaries of Time and Space
The step-by-step guide to becoming a healer.
With this course, you become part of our community of healers, meeting monthly online for deep healing.
Healing in The Flow
Online Course
The path of healing is an inner journey, a profound odyssey that transcends the boundaries of space and time. At the same time, it is also, always - a pilgrimage: a journey we take not only within ourselves but also toward the realm of the other.
Through the Healing in The Flow online course you will dive into the depths of your own being, enhance your perception - and become a powerful catalyst for transformation - of yourself and of others.
The healing journey is the most intimate inner dance. It requires an unwavering commitment to face the deepest truth within, and it takes place within our own perception:
You will learn to fully understand that what we cannot see within ourselves, we cannot heal in others.
It’s 5 Empowering Modules
Healing in the Flow
The Perceptual Field
Our Mind
Guided Healing Sessions
✔️ 15 Guided Sessions
✔️ 3 Guided Meditation Journeys
✔️ 8 Hands-On Healing Sessions
✔️ 4 Kundalini Practices
✔️ 9 Advanced Teachings
✔️ Lifetime Access!
Exclusive Discounts on all Live Online Group Events & Training!
28 lessons
6.5 hours of exclusive video content
How does it feel to heal?
il’il Sat Prem
Healer & Teacher
Let me describe the healing experience to you, from the perspective of the healer.
Like the feathers of a peacock, your senses open up. More and more fully you begin to experience yourself - beyond time, beyond space, yet very much embodied - HERE and NOW.
You are in the flow.
A pure intelligence begins to emerge - a wisdom beyond your own self. You are present, you are YOU - yet a whole universe is experienced within. Submerged in an ocean-like calm, this pure intelligence guides you. Your vastness is energized and clear.
Indifferent to personal gain and loss - you are COMPASSION.
At this point, wherever you direct your attention - healing will occur.
You emerge clean and clear, your every cell washed with a vibration pure and high. Your frequency forever altered - you now change the frequency of all who come in contact with you.
You are in the flow.
Your whole being is HEALING.
Heal in the Flow
28 lessons
In this course, you will learn to
✔️ Consciously work with your energy, so it becomes a dependable, predictable, sustainable resource
✔️ Deal with your mind: manage distractions and the compulsions they create, so you can cultivate and stabilize inner silence
✔️ Step into your role as a healer, and confidently offer both in-person and remote healing sessions
✔️ Use different healing modalities (inner knowing, the subtle body, the 5 elements)
✔️ Understand and deal with real-life healing situations (emotional, physical, relational)
15 Guided sessions
3 Guided Meditation Sessions
8 Guided Healing Sessions
4 Kundalini Kriyas & Meditations
9 Advanced Teachings
Lifetime Access!
including practical hands-on healing exercises: start healing from day one - in-person & remotely.
* Bonus 1: The Kriya to GET REAL!
An extraordinary supporting practice for the healer: this Kundalini sequence will help you develop and maintain a strong nervous system and prepare you for new and unknown depths of experience.
* a note on Kundalini Yoga
On the healing powers of this yogic tradition, and on the importance of recognizing the shadow side.
What’s included in this course?
5 Empowering Modules
24 Nurturing Lessons
Healing in the Flow
The Perceptual Field
Our Mind
Guided Healing Sessions
Healing in the Flow
1. Flow In…
Welcoming you into the world of the healer.
2. Introduction
Easing you into your learning journey.
3. Experience Infinity
Learn how to energize and open a deep meditative space of connectedness.
The Perceptual Field
4. Let’s dive right in
Preparing you for shifting your perspective.
5. The Field
Guided meditation on how to enter Witness Consciousness and a stable state of Silence.
6. Know Thyself
Don’t extend yourself, EXPAND YOURSELF!
Discover why we’re looking inward and how to cultivate a more direct experience of reality.
Our Mind
7. Friend & Foe
Preparing you to explore the sensory dimensions of the mind.
8. Oh My Mind
A self-hypnosis Kundalini practice to deepen inner Stillness and to shine a light on the mind.
9. On Sleepiness and Dragons
Practical tips and tools for navigating the mind within the meditative space.
10. Mind and Perceptual Field
A guided meditation, taking you on a deep dive into the sensory dimensions of MIND, exploring the interrelatedness of everything: energy, mind & sensory experience.
11. Hands-On!
A practical guide to the healing work (posture, in-person vs. remote healing, physical touch etc.).
12. The Art of Relating
The essential preliminary step to healing, and the Healer’s Code or Ethics.
13. Relating In The Flow
In this guided meditation, learn to connect to others in the subtle realm. Establish a secure connection to the person you wish to heal, and open up to the dimension of remote healing.
14. But How?
On the multidimensionality of interconnectedness and how to affect reality with your perception: Learn healing through Applied Silence.
15. Going Deeper
Go deeper into the psyche with this Kundalini practice.
16. Let’s heal!
In your first hands-on healing session: Understand the effect of your silence. Practice conscious non-doing: healing with your presence and meditative mind. Learn to pinpoint your awareness to what you wish to heal - and learn how to heal it.
17. The Nine Treasures
Rejuvenate your nervous system and experience a state of unbounded expansion with this kundalini practice.
18. Expansion
In this second deep dive in the experience of hands-on healing: Learn to use your sensory experience to expand your perception. Explore deep listening, and learn to deal with blockages as they arise.
19. Inner Knowing
Learn to make a petition to know - and to allow clarity and guidance to manifest in your field. Discover direct perception and healing: without having to imagine, visualize, analyze or interpret.
20. Relationships
No-one exists in a void, and no healing work is complete until we’ve addressed the other person’s relationships. Learn how to help others with tensions related to their relationships - including their relationship with themselves. Practice staying centered and based in silence, and experience how your silence gives space.
21. Physical Pain
Learn to alleviate physical pain, and create expansion where pain contracts. Find out how to facilitate a better energy flow in the other person’s field. Learn to deal with the after-effects of the profound healing you have facilitated. Deepen your experience of how the mind manifests in the body & the body in the mind.
22. Emotional Shock
Fine-tune your ability to perceive the effects of Trauma in another person, and learn to recognize which of its expressions can be resolved. Learn to comfort and to ease emotional suffering by inducing in the other person your deep state of silence.
Guided HEALING SESSIONS - Subtle Dimensions
23. Remote Healing & the Subtle Body
Discover time & space travel with the subtle body, and learn to project your presence and meditative mind into a distant space - to benefit another person in a remote session.
24. The Elements
Learn how to bring your healing sessions to a full closure in a balanced way, by working with the 5 elements.
Uncover the interconnectedness of all beings and realize that your whole being is HEALING.

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